C.H.I.M.I.C.H.U.R.R.I. DevLog #1Hello again everyone, this is the second update for the game “C.H.I.M.I.C.H.U.R.R.I.”, this time a little bit on the development process.Sep 23, 2021Sep 23, 2021
C.H.I.M.I.C.H.U.R.R.I. DevLog #0Cat Having Impossible Missions Including Chasing HELLpers Underground Running Rocketing Individuals.Aug 30, 2021Aug 30, 2021
VR & Port translationPorting is a process in which a software is adapted to work in a different computing environment from which it was created, it may be…Aug 19, 2021Aug 19, 2021
Face Detection SystemsComputers are really good at recognizing patterns, even more than humans, so in 1960 three pioneers Woody Bledsoe, Helen Chan Wolf, and…May 20, 2021May 20, 2021
Ethical Challenges in AR/VRSoftware technology advances at an incredible accelerated pace, the smartphones we take now as normal, are more powerful that the…Apr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
Homecooker is an independent project that was born from our love for the art of cooking and the…Homecooker is developed by a group of Holberton School students for the final project in the full stack developer program.Jun 25, 2020Jun 25, 2020
MACHINE LEARNINGHello again, and welcome to another Apert-… Medium story, this time we’ll talk about Machine Learning.Jan 25, 2020Jan 25, 2020
UNIX LS COMMAND Part 2Here we are again, trying to explain the way the command “ls” works inside Unix. This time we’ll take another aproach to it, looking at…Nov 28, 2019Nov 28, 2019
STATIC LIBRARIES IN CThe moment a C program is compiled, just before the linking we can find an object file or object code which then the linker takes care of…Oct 17, 2019Oct 17, 2019